Пятая четверть (2010)

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Захват (2011)

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Гонка (2013)

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Zipcar shows that it pays to be the nice boy, VentureBeat, Business, by Ruth Reader

Zipcar shows that it pays to be the nice stud

Above: Zipcars are a part of the sharing economy

BOSTON — Being the nice boy doesn’t get you headlines, but it can build a solid business.

Take Zipcar. When we talk about rail sharing, the 15-year-old company is infrequently mentioned. Launched before the sharing economy existed, Zipcar offers a subscription car rental service to people who live in urban areas and need cars every once in a while but don’t want to buy one. Continue reading Zipcar shows that it pays to be the nice boy, VentureBeat, Business, by Ruth Reader

Yelp – Official Blog

Yelp Official Blog

The official voice of Yelp HQ in San Francisco. It’s a place for us to talk about news, product, community, businesses and more at Yelp.com.

Yelp exists to empower and protect consumers, providing them with the information they need to make a decision, whether they are looking for a mover, a brunch spot, or even a hospital. Continue reading Yelp – Official Blog