Which local malls practice the most car break-ins, WSB-TV

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What the WikiLeaks CIA files say about your car – The Washington Post

What we know about car hacking, the CIA and those WikiLeaks claims

The inwards track on Washington politics.

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Tucked into WikiLeaks’ analysis of a trove of documents allegedly from the Central Intelligence Agency is a stunning line: That the agency has looked into hacking cars, which WikiLeaks asserts could be used to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations.”

Continue reading What the WikiLeaks CIA files say about your car – The Washington Post

West Seattle Blog, WS cracking news

Bicycle rider hit by driver in Junction, not earnestly hurt


Thanks to everyone who messaged us about a collision at 42nd and Alaska a brief time ago – a bicycle rider was hit by a driver, but not gravely hurt, and did not need to be taken to the hospital. Seattle Fire cleared the scene relatively quickly, shortly after we arrived, and police weren’t going to be there much longer either. Continue reading West Seattle Blog, WS cracking news

Wells Fargo to compensate car loan customers coerced to buy auto insurance

Wells Fargo to compensate car loan customers compelled to buy auto insurance

Wells Fargo said on Thursday that it would compensate around 570,000 customers with car loans who were harmed by being compelled to buy auto insurance.

The bank estimated the total cost at around $80 million.

Auto-loan contracts require customers to have comprehensive insurance for potential harm, and the bank was permitted under the contracts to buy that coverage and pass on the cost if there was no evidence it had been purchased elsewhere, Wells Fargo noted in the statement on Thursday. Continue reading Wells Fargo to compensate car loan customers coerced to buy auto insurance

Volkswagen Says eleven Million Cars Worldwide Are Affected in Diesel Deception

The Fresh York Times

September 22, 2015

FRANKFURT — A scandal that has battered Volkswagen’s pic in the United States spread to the automaker’s core market in Europe on Tuesday, when the company said that eleven million of its diesel cars were tooled with software that could be used to cheat on emissions tests. Continue reading Volkswagen Says eleven Million Cars Worldwide Are Affected in Diesel Deception

Movie: Horrifying 115mph police pursue on M6

Movie: Horrifying 115mph police pursue on M6

A JEALOUS man led police on a dangerous 115mph motorway pursue after fleeing a Blackpool hotel where he headbutted his fucking partner.

Shocking footage from a police dashboard camera shows Alexander Blood, 21, deliberately swerving inbetween lanes of the southbound M6 as three police cars chased him. Continue reading Movie: Horrifying 115mph police pursue on M6