Law report, News

Law report

On SW 14th Ave., at approximately nine a.m., a pink backpack went missing containing an Iphone 5s, a 5th gen Ipod touch and pink Hammers earbuds with a total combined value of $825.

On NE 14th St., at twelve p.m., there was a two vehicle accident within the Crystal Lake Blvd., traffic circle. A Subaru was rear ended by a Dodge when the Subaru stopped to yield a pedestrian. The Dodge was driving too rapid and collided with the rear end of the Subaru. Minimal harm was done to either vehicle and the driver of the Dodge was cited for failure to drive with due care.

On Sea Rd., there was a domestic argument that involved things being thrown out of a vehicle. The possessor of the items was encouraged to contact police if any of the items were bruised. All of the items were recovered and the possessor left the scene with no further altercations.

On NW 7th Ave., at 8:30 a.m., two people were placed in handcuffs after they threatened each other. There was a knife involved and allegations of theft inbetween the two of them. On scene interviews were conducted and it was found of the five total people at the scene, one was on probation, one had a warrant for arrest, and one was found to be in possession of illegal drugs.

Outside of Itasca County Probation an individual was charging their phone through a power outlet. It was confirmed that the individual had no business being there and was informed that they should leave. They were then warned that if they returned to use the outlet they could be cited with either trespassing or theft.

Inbetween twelve a.m., and twelve p.m., harm was done to a building on NW 3rd Ave. The building has been unoccupied for several years but was found with harm to forty petite exterior windows and four large exterior windows. The harm totals at $Five,000. Four sets of footprints were found, one was a masculine style boot and one was a female style boot, the other two were indistinguishable.

At a gas station on NE 4th St., an underage person was confronted when they attempted to purchase cigarettes. The individual left the scene either by car or on foot but left their ID behind. The gas station was instructed to contact the police if the individual returned for their ID.

On East US Highway one hundred sixty nine a vehicle was stopped for speeding eight mph over the posted thirty mph speed limit. The officer asked the driver if they knew they were speeding and the driver responded puzzled claiming that they were not speeding. The officer asked for the drivers identification and he passed the officer his checkbook. The driver stated that he had just left Hutchinson and was headed back after getting groceries. The incident occurred in Grand Rapids, nowhere near Hutchinson but the driver insisted that they were in Hutchinson. The driver was very persistent in stating he was in Hutchinson and was asked to turn off the vehicle and forearm the officer his keys. After the driver passed the officer a separate set of keys, the officer reached in the vehicle and retrieved the keys himself.

On Golf Course Rd., the driver of a US Postal Delivery truck had issues with the gear shifter and flipped into a parked Ford Truck. Minimal harm was done, no one was injured.

During the Itasca County Fair a staff member approached an officer with a report of several youthfull adults smoking marijuana behind the ferris wheel. When the officer explored the scene several youthfull adults were present and a strong smell of burnt marijuana was in the air. All individuals primarily denied smoking but upon further speaking to them, two admitted to smoking earlier. A one hitter pipe was found in one of the individual’s pocket but no other substances were recovered. The parties were told to leave the area and they did.

A business on NW 1st Ave., reported that a handbag was stolen and the suspect was still in the store. When police arrived, the suspect was confronted but did not speak English. Police escorted the suspect to a different business where a translator (acquaintance of the suspect) assisted. The suspect denied the accusation of theft and claimed to have paid cash for the bag a week earlier. The story did not check out and another business came forward with information about a similar incident with a person matching the suspect’s description. Investigations are underway.

On Sw 2nd Ave., at 9:30 p.m., a car was pulled over for erratic driving. When confronted, the driver appeared to have bloodshot eyes and was slurring their speech. The officer noticed a case of beer opened in the passenger seat and an open can in the cup holder. The driver confessed to drinking that night but claimed their last drink was more than an hour prior.

On SE 14th Ave., a driver was pulled over for going forty five mph in a zone posted at 30mph. When confronted the driver reported that they were going five mph over the speed limit. They were then informed that the speed limit drops to thirty around the corner. The driver was cited for speeding forty five in a 30.

At Ten:15 a.m., on NE 6th St., a purse total of only cosmetic products was found. There was no ID or name on the purse. The purse was placed in lost property with the police.

A lawn on NE 8th St was reported having too many cars parked in front and that the grass was too long. A blight elimination notice was given to the residents and attempts to reach the landlord was unsuccessful.

A woman was followed into Walmart by a man from 60-70 years of age. The man followed her all around the store and gave her a handwritten poem about how beautiful she was. The man also cornered her and when she attempted to leave he would attempt to block her path. The woman was able to get away and spotted the man get into a silver sedan with unknown make and model. Police are investigating.

Police was dispatched to NE 11th Ave., for a drug complaint. When they spoke with the residents targeted by the complaint there was no smell of marijuana. The residents said that they had smoked marijuana the day before but not recently. The officer noticed two children present and the resident confirmed that the children were under another person’s care when they were smoking the day before. The officer asked if there was any marijuana at the residence and confirmed that there was not. The resident was advised to not have any marijuana or drug paraphernalia in the residence with petite children present. Case reported to social services.

Police received a report from a resident on NW 1st Ave., who said that someone had violated into their house, violated their cell phones, taken their car keys and left a note. The resident said that the same had happened to their friend but they had no idea who was doing it. The resident reported that this has happened on two separate occasions. The suspect might drive a newer black four door Ford truck.

A total of $96.65 worth of cosmetic items was stolen from Walmart. The items were recovered and the person responsible for the theft was cited for the theft of all items.

At 11:20 p.m., a driver was pulled over for speeding forty one mph in a thirty mph zone. The driver did not pull over until several blocks after the officer had put on emergency lights. When confronted the driver said that they did not realize what the speed limit was. The officer noticed beer cans in the passenger seat and confronted the driver about them. The driver said they were there prior to him being in the car and agreed to take a PBT test. The driver blew a sample of .11 and failed extra field sobriety tests.

Police received a call from an individual reporting that they had been called by an unknown number telling that they owed back taxes. The individual did not disclose any private details and knew the phone call was a scam.

Target reported two shoplifters, one they had detained in the Target security office and the other had left by foot. The items they recovered mostly consisted of jewelry and clothing and totaled around $400. The shoplifter caught was issued a misdemeanor for shoplifting and police are attempting to identify the 2nd shoplifter.

At Three:30 p.m., an officer pulled over a truck that had no muffler and utterly noisy harass on 7th St. The driver stated that they did not have a driver’s license and after a search in the license database it was exposed that the driver’s license had been revoked. The driver was issued a citation and the passenger, who had a valid license, drove from the scene.

On NE 4th St., an officer pulled over a vehicle for speeding forty four mph in a thirty mph zone. The driver also was not wearing a seat belt and admitted to not wearing a seat belt. The driver was issued a citation for the seat belt and a warning for speeding.

Police received a report of a homeless man getting free coffee from a local dealership and exploring vehicles in the lot. Upon contact with an officer the person was non compliant and appeared to be mentally ill. The person said that they were just passing through but according to the original report, had been seen at that dealership for the last week. Police were able to run criminal history and the person was found out to be a violent felon from Montana with numerous assaults and burglaries on their record. The person is recorded as being violent with police.

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